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诺宝天生能透视,却被渣爹当成乌鸦嘴狠狠虐打。就在她将死时,白家哥哥们驾到!爆锤渣爹和后妈!谁知小诺宝回到白家后...大哥掌管的白氏集团运势越来越好,逐渐成为四大家族之首!二哥的考古研究所发掘的文物价值也越来越高。还有隔壁叔叔家的那个阴郁小混蛋,居然.也变了... 下山后五个哥哥不停扒我小马甲

If you love the music of Marvin Gaye, Diana Ross, Stevie Wonder, Michael Jackson, or Smokey Robinson, you will love Berry Gordy's life story. Founder of Motown, Gordy was instrumental in launching the careers of these and many other popular musicians, singers and songwriters.In this candid autobiography, Gordy gives an authentic personal account of his career--from the inception of his label, founded with $800 borrowed from his family, to the development of an entertainment empire sold to MCA for $61 million. Along the way, Gordy and his artists faced racism and both personal and professional challenges--and overcame them to leave an indelible mark on American popular culture. ToBeLoved

莫名其妙穿到雨夜还失忆被长着兔子头的妖捡到,还说我是他妹妹? 兔子养我还是我养兔子

李阳,二十一世纪英雄联盟高端职业玩家。决赛之中,眼看就要获胜夺冠,电脑突然爆炸,于是他带着英雄联盟的升级系统穿越了。在这个世界,李阳的身份是将军府的废柴小少爷,凭着职业高端玩家生俱来的意识优势,完美的操作不断逆袭升级。称霸之路,从打野开始! 神级王者系统

修仙家族林浩,偶得碧玉镯,在玉镯内有几亩灵田,几炉仙丹,从此林浩走上了强者之路。 大仙尊

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